The Cohiba Cigar Factory is a state Cuban enterprise. Excursions are
not allowed here, no tourists can come in. The only exception is made
for specially invited officials.
The Hellish Side Of China (part3)
Everyone knows that China produces all sorts of different goods. But not many know "the other side" of cheap production. The following series of pictures by the Chinese photographer Lu Guang shows one of the most acute problems in China - water pollution.
The Hellish Side Of China (part2)
What is amazing about the situation that a lot of usual people came to help to collect oil as fast as possible.
The Hellish Side Of China (part1)
Let us remember how on July, 2010 a large amount of oil spilled into water of the Chinese port Dalian.
Two workers are trying to eliminate the source of spillage.
Festive Singapore
Singapore is a city-state island in Southern Asia. It's whole area becomes one big feast during New Year celebration.
Guess What's Being Produced?
Can you guess what isbeing produced on this picture? The hint is that he is working in Butan.
Top 5 World’s Most Crowded Places
5. World’s Most Crowded Wave Pool (Tokyo Summerland, Japan)
Don’t believe the photo above? This incredibly crowded wave pool is located in Tokyo Summerland. During the summer, it can get really hard to actually find some water inside the pool.
4. World’s Most Crowded Area (Mongkok, China)
Ulm Minster - World's Tallest Church
World's Largest Casino - The Venetian Macao

The main hotel tower was finished in July 2007 and the resort officially opened on August 28 2007. The resort has 3000 suites, 1,200,000 sq ft (111,000 m2) of convention space, 1,600,000 sq ft (149,000 m2) of retail, 550,000 square feet (51,000 m2) of casino space – largest in the world – with 3400 slot machines and 800 gambling tables and a 15,000 seat arena for entertainment/sports events.
The casino is the largest in the world at 550,000 sq ft (51,000 m2). It is further divided into 4 themed gaming areas namely Golden Fish, Imperial House, Red Dragon and Phoenix. The casino consists of over with 3400 slot machines and 800 gambling tables
World's Tallest Hotels – Top 10 List
This is the most recent and factual list of the world's tallest hotels. Prepared by Emporis, the world's leading company for building data, the ranking includes 100 tallest buildings intended for hotel use. Here's the tip of the overview - world's highest hotels and their locations.
10.Swissôtel The Stamford. Singapore.
Height: 226 m (741 ft). 73 floors.
The 9 Most Complex Roads In The World
Sure, it feels fantastic to traverse the vast stretches of the best roads in the world via adrenaline pumping speeds. How about a complicated road, one that twists and turns, or has downright congested traffic, or unforgiving terrain? They might give you a headache, but it sure feels good when you’ve conquered them. Here is the list of the world’s most complicated and dangerous roads. Some of these complicated mountain passes can be dangerous if not negotiated with utmost caution, while others are complicated sets of roads and bridges, erected to ensure a streamlined flow of traffic at busy junctions. Without further ado, we present our top 9 list…
1) Col de Turini, France

Enjoying Life In Istanbul
Warm wind of Istanbul evening carrying the smell of fishmarket will
grab some scent of grilled chestnuts, mix it all with aroma of hookah
and deliver all this right to your nose. And then you'll feel Istanbul.
Japanese Hit: Instant Noodles
Japanese wheat noodles called "Ramen" is a very important dish for
Japanese people. "Instant Ramen" created by Ando Momofuku became product
number 1 in Japan, cause famous delicious Ramen is also very
affordable. So, what is "Instant Ramen"? Let's get acquainted with this
asked-for Japanese product in the museum of its creation.
Everything started in the room on the picture above, which Ando Momofuku made his laboratory.
Top 5 Most Fascinating Underwater Ruins
5. Cleopatra’s Palace in Alexandria (Egypt)
Off the shores of Alexandria, the city of Alexander the Great, lies what is believed to be the ruins of the royal quarters of Cleopatra. A team of marine archaeologists led by Frenchman Franck Goddio made excavations on this ancient city from where Cleopatra, the last queen of the Ptolemies, ruled Egypt. Historians believe this site was submerged by earthquakes and tidal waves more than 1,600 years ago.
The excavations concentrated on the submerged island of Antirhodus. Cleopatra is said to have had a palace there. Other discoveries include a well-preserved shipwreck and red granite columns with Greek inscriptions. Two statues were also found and were lifted out of the harbour. One was a priest of the goddess Isis; the other a sphinx whose face is said to represent Cleopatra’s father, King Ptolemy XII. The artifacts were returned to their silent, because the Egyptian Government says it wants to leave most of them in place to create an underwater museum.
Top 5 Countries With Best Quality of Life
5. New Zealand
Cost of Living – 62
Leisure & Culture – 82
Economy – 65
Environment – 77
Freedom – 100
Health – 88
Infrastructure – 70
Risk & Safety – 100
Climate – 84
Final Score – 79
Top 5 Hardest Working Countries of the World
5. Estonia
Average Hours Worked: 8.36
At 8 hours and 36 minutes, Estonians – yes we did say Estonians – have the fifth – highest total work time in the OECD, well over the OECD average of 8 hours and 4 minutes. At 3 hours and 52 minutes, Estonians do the fourth – highest unpaid work time after Turkey, Mexico and Australia, and well above the OECD average of 3 hours and 28 minutes. However, at 14.1 percent , Estonian unemployment is also the third – highest in the OECD, six percentage points above the OECD average of 8.1 percent.
4. Canada
Average Hours Worked: 8.37
Canadians have the second – highest rate of “positive experiences” in the OECD after Iceland – feeling well-rested, being treated with respect, smiling, doing something interesting, and experiencing enjoyment. At the same time, Canadians have above OECD average “negative experiences,” such as pain, worry, sadness, stress and depression. Canada has the sixth highest proportion of its population foreign-born in the OECD at 20 percent, nearly double the OECD average of 11.7 percent.
3. Portugal
Average Hours Worked: 8.48
While some people might think that the Portuguese live a relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle, they in fact rank among some of the hardest – working in the world. Men do nearly two hours of unpaid work in Portugal, compared to less than an hour in other OECD countries such as Korea and Japan. The amount of time devoted to unpaid work accounts for up to 53 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in the country, the highest proportion of all OECD countries, compared to 19 percent of GDP in Korea. Meanwhile, 60 percent of the Portuguese population spends time cooking and cleaning, spending the third largest amount of time on household chores at 110 minutes per day.
2. Japan
Average Hours Worked: 9
The second-hardest working nation among OECD member countries will probably come as no surprise to anybody. Japan’s adherence to its work ethic is legendary with company employees often competing to stay at work later than their colleagues to achieve promotion in many corporations, where company loyalty is demanded and where a job for life still means life. Japanese people work an average 9 – hour day while the unemployment at 5.3 percent is well below the OECD average of 8.1 percent.
1. Mexico
Average Hours Worked: 9.54
Recently, Richard Hammond of the TV program “Top Gear” managed to upset the Mexican Ambassador to the U.K. by suggesting that Mexicans were “lazy, feckless, flatulent [and] overweight”. The OECD’s research, however, may go some way to ward redressing the balance by showing that the Mexican people are in fact the hardest working in the world, working a total of nearly 10 hours on average every day. They also have the second-highest level of income inequality and the highest level of relative poverty among OECD countries.
Top 5 Countries With Fastest Trains
5. Spain
Train: AVE Class 103
Speed: 251 mph
Capacity: 404 passengers
Spain has the longest high-speed rail network in Europe, with 3,433 miles of tracks. With six high-speed train lines and several under construction, the Spanish government aims to have 90 percent of its population within 31 miles of a high-speed station by 2020.
The country’s fastest trains are the AVE series, which is manufactured by several train makers, including Siemens, Alstom and Bombardier. The Siemens-made AVE Class 103 train began commercial service in 2007, and hit a record speed of 251 mph during a test run between Madrid and Zaragoza. The maximum top speed for commercial trains in Spain is limited to 186 mph for passenger safety.
Top 5 Most Expensive Cities to Live
5. Yokohama, Japan
As Japan’s second-largest city, Yokohama is a major commercial center for the Greater Tokyo Area.
The port city has a strong economic base, particularly in the biotechnology, semiconductor and shipping industries. Carmaker Nissan and Fujitsu semiconductor have moved their headquarters to the city.
Yokohama also is a budding artistic hub. The city is gearing up to host its triennale art event from August to December this year, with artists from around the world exhibiting their works at venues around the city.
Top 5 Modern Ghost Places on Earth
5. Beelitz-Heilstatten, Germany
This German ghost town has attracted curious tourists since its abandonment in 2000. Beelitz-Heilstatten is home to a sprawling hospital complex comprised of almost 60 buildings from the late 1800s and the spot where Adolf Hitler was treated for a leg wound during World War I. After the post-WWII division of Germany, the hospital was put under Soviet control and remained a Soviet military hospital until 1995, years after German reunification. The abandoned buildings have served as a destination for adventure travelers as well as filming crews. Beelitz-Heilstatten served as a set for The Pianist.
School Education In Kenya No Matter What
The way from Nairobi to the Maasai Mara National Reserve lays through a
small town of Narok where Aldo-Rebby school is located. Let's have a
closer look at this school.
Abandoned Shanghai University
Seems it's become fashionable to make posts about abandoned buildings,
and we've surely seen a lot, either from America or Russia, but how
often do you have a chance to see a Chinese abandoned place? This one
was the Shanghai Technological University, so what do you think - does
Chinese abandoned staff much differ from that you've seen before?
Underground Mushroom Plantation In France
Do you know how champignons, oyster mushrooms or Shiitake mushrooms for
Japanese restaurants are grown? It turns out that they are grown in
former troglodyte caves. Let's take a tour to a French underground
restaurant, get acquainted with mushroom growing techniques and Anjou
local cuisine.
Beauty And Horrors Of India
India is a wonderful and unique country. It fascinates you with its
beauty and horrifies with some other things you will learn about in this
12 hours bus trip from Amritsar Railway Station to Haridwar jumping up
to the upper luggage shelf every time the bus drives on the hillocks. 1
more hour trip from there, with some Gipsy children on the lap and
popping into the windows monkeys and here you are... in Rishikesh.
Food Market of Hong Kong: Still Hungry?
Everyone knows that in Hong Kong you always may see cheap electronics or a Hindu offering a watch. However a new iPhone is not a thing to nurture and your legs will finally take you to a food market.
Choosing A Cricket For Fights
Pet market in Shanghai amazes with its range of animals: you may find
ducklings, mice, turtles, fish, frogs and even cocroaches for fights.
WARNING: You'd better not read this while eating.Try To Catch the Burma Sun
This post is all about a very photogenic country called Burma
(officially the Union of Myanmar). Let's make a short trip about this
country, make an acquantance with its nice and friendly people and see
some of its sightseeings.
Let's start with Mandalay city. In the early morning local fishermen catch the sun in the muddy lake under one of its bridges.
Amman - The White City
Amman – the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, established in 1946.
It is the biggest city in the country. In ancient times it was called
Rabbat-Ammon , in Hellenistic-Roman period – Philadelphia. Population –
2,5 million people.
Tokyo - World's Most Populous Metropolitan Area

The population of the special wards is over 8 million people, with the total population of the prefecture exceeding 12 million. The prefecture is the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, the world's most populous metropolitan area with 35 to 39 million people (depending on definition) and the world's largest metropolitan economy with a GDP of US$1.479 trillion at purchasing power parity in 2008.
Tokyo was described by Saskia Sassen as one of the three "command centers" for the world economy, along with London and New York City. This city is considered an alpha+ world city, listed by the GaWC's 2008 inventory and ranked fourth among global cities by Foreign Policy's 2008 Global Cities Index. In 2009 Tokyo was named the world's most expensive city for expatriate employees, according to the Mercer and Economist Intelligence Unit cost-of-living surveys and named the third Most Liveable City and the World’s Most Livable Megalopolis by the magazine Monocle.
Tokyo is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family.

World's Largest Disco Ball

While many undoubtedly thought him a few stubbies short, Michel got the last laugh when his luminous, ginormous ball was suspended in the Jardin du Luxembourg during the Nuit Blanche event in Paris. The so called La Maîtresse de la Tour Eiffel when hit with spotlights from all over the city shot shards of light across Paris like a fairytale dream. Nice one Michel. Sure beats that dumb ass blimp that hovers over our city with that even dumber tv screen on it during that one day in September.
Oktoberfest - World’s Largest Beer Festival

The Munich Oktoberfest, traditionally, takes place during the sixteen days up to and including the first Sunday in October. In 1994, the schedule was modified in response to German reunification so that if the first Sunday in October falls on the 1st or 2nd, then the festival will go on until October 3 (German Unity Day). Thus, the festival is now 17 days when the 1st Sunday is October 2 and 18 days when it is October 1. The festival is held on an area named the Theresienwiese (field, or meadow, of Therese), often called d’ Wiesn for short.
Wonderful Big And Biggest Creations
This is so amazing and wonderful to create big and biggest buildings yeah its a wonder because in human past no one think of these big creation even that create a single story home is too difficult, Only a single story home take too much time in creation and those homes not be good looking and powerful. After some time or when storm come every home or place destroyed and after that people create our homes ones more time. But in these day creation of a big buildings is easy and milliners take a chance to build that building which touch the sky. Even some countries make home on water because our population is now bigger then the earth space. I have collected 50 biggest buildings which so higher and too much beautiful. These collection take to you in your dream home or place Lets have a look.
30 Most Beautiful Cityscapes
A cityscape is the urban equivalent of a landscape. Townscape is roughly synonymous with cityscape, though it implies the same difference in urban size and density (and even modernity) implicit in the difference between the words city and town. In urban design the terms refer to the configuration of built forms and interstitial space. In the visual arts a cityscape (urban landscape) is an artistic representation, such as a painting, drawing, print or photograph, of the physical aspects of a city or urban area. In these pictures collection most of really images but one or two images is paintings. These images collection really awesome.
Sadhu - The Man of Virtue
This flamboyant person with an attentive look is called "sadhu” (from
Sanskrit - "the man of virtue") Sadhus are ascetics in the Indian
culture. To be such a person must be a conscious choice. Sadhus
meaningly renounce all terrestrial, whether it is property, habitation,
money or even a family and children. These people are satisfied with the
least and live practically in full poverty, having only the most
necessary things - clothes, make-up accessories and a bag to store it
all. Some even do not need clothes and live naked. There were about 4-5
million sadhus in 2007 in India. There is also a great number of them in
Ontario Maple Syrup Festival
One of the main signs of Spring in Ontario is, of course, Maple Syrup
Festival. Canada produces about 85% of the world's amount of maple syrup
and, although, the most part is produced in Quebec, you won't be bored
during Ontario festival either.
Crazy Gay Parade In Amsterdam
The Amsterdam gay parade is one of the most massive, colorful and funny
shows of Europe. Its participants, all in extravagant clothes, on
beautifully decorated boats, fill narrow canals of Amsterdam and, being
accompanied by loud dance music, surprise, amuse and entertain numerous
tourists. This is an amazing event after which one will never be
surprised with anything.
10 Countries with the Largest Armed Forces
Even with diplomacy being the backbone
the international scenario nowadays, countries find the need to spend a
sizeable percentage of their annual budget on the military, and for good
reason. It’s called preparing for the worst. A look back at history
reveals that disputes have seldom been settled on paper. With tensions
peaking and ebbing unpredictably on several fronts and terrorist
factions emerging within countries all over the world, the military is
always in need of more able individuals. And though numbers may not win a
war, they certainly matter.
Following is a list of the ten countries that currently have the largest military forces in the world. [Stats via Wikipedia]
World Famous Incredible India
India is so famous place and this place also know as Bharat. You can find in map south Asia side. This country is popular due to large population. India have 1.2 billion peoples and most populous democracy in the world. India have a lot of beautiful places and big and lovely creations. The world India is drive from the Indus which is drive from the old Persian word Hindu from Sanskrit. You van find a lot of monkeys in India. some places in India monkeys population is more then to people. India popular building is Taj mehal and this is 6 wonder of the world. Taj mehal is so beautiful and worthy for every human and specially for lovers. Millions of people visit there in a day and spend a lot of money to see Taj mehal. Here i put some beautiful and amazing images of India and i hope you would like this beautiful place.
Beautiful Lost City Peru
Peruvian territory was home to the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, and to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century and established a Viceroyalty, which included most of its South American colonies. After achieving independence in 1821, Peru has undergone periods of political unrest and fiscal crisis as well as periods of stability and economic upswing. Maybe, you have seen many times perfect landscapes of South America, but not everyone has ever had a chance to visit this wonderful country. When dreaming about visiting South America, a lot of destinations can strike you, however, Peru is one of the most remarkable and picturesque places that South America offers.
Wonderful Pictures Of France
France is so popular country of the world. You can find every type of beauty. France has its main ideals expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. The French Republic is defined as indivisible, secular, democratic and social by its constitution. France is one of the world’s most developed countries and possesses the world’s fifth largest and Europe’s second largest economy by nominal GDP. France is the wealthiest European (and the world’s 4th) nation in aggregate household wealth. France enjoys a high standard of living as well as a high public education level, and has also one of the world’s highest life expectancies. France has been listed as the world’s “best overall health care” provider by the World Health Organization. It is the most visited country in the world, receiving 82 million foreign tourists annually. Here I am presenting beautiful images of France pictures these pictures taken from sky and you can find every city in images. Have a look on my 25 best pictures collection.
HD Photography Of Popular Landmarks
Photography is going to new level and its increase the quality of picture and also take place between artwork and paintings. Today HD Photography is also look like paintings. Landmarks are often structures such as cathedrals, museums, skyscrapers, hotels, homes, libraries, bridges and ruins. Natural phenomena in physical features such as mountains rock formations, rivers and waterfalls, can also be chosen as landmarks if they have special historical, architectural, or cultural significance. Historical landmarks are not just tourist attractions, they serves as a commemoration of a remarkably important national event. This allows us and for generations to come, to remember great cultures and events of the past that is worthy to record in its own history. To photographers, these landmarks are like invitations; a challenge to bring the best of out them in photos. Below are some of the best and well-selected photos of different historical landmarks from around the world. Landmarks that I’ve included here are so famous that almost everybody knew how they look like, but no everyone has seen this side of the landmark. So here it is, 30 photos of famous landmarks around the world taken in awe-inspiring perspectives, sorting by country names. Enjoy.
New York Jason Hawkes Photography in Night
New york is world popular city.Jason Hawkes really did a well job they take awesome pictures in night and express the beauty of new york night. Jason Hawkes likes to photograph the world from above, and he has been doing that since 1991. In college, all he wanted to be was a studio photographer, but all that changed after a flight in a small aircraft. “I realized that, with a little attitude, you see all these amazing patterns – even mundane things look intriguing,” said Hawkes. The British photographer spent 15 weeks using state of the art technology to create these dramatic shots for his new book, New York At Night. “The images of New York were shot on Nikons latest camera, the D3S, using three gyro stabilizing mounts and flown using twin star helicopters. We flew from heights of just over 500 ft up to 2,500-ft with no doors on, it was very very cold.” Here are also some images of new york peoples which love to enjoy night.
The Top 10 Most Tattooed Cities in America
World’s Largest Voodoo Market - Togo Akodessewa
Togo Akodessewa Fetish Market is recognized as the largest fetish market in the world, a place where Voodoo practitioner can find anything they need for their rituals.
The World's Biggest Lightsaber Fight
Star Wars fans from all over the East Coast crossed lightsabers at New York City's Washington Square Park for what might be the world's largest lightsaber battle.

Newmindspace invited Jedi and Sith from all over to meet up at the NYC park, asking only that each participant choose either Jedi or Sith, and arranged a massive fight. They provided sabers to anyone who showed up unequipped.
The group expected 500 fans to show up, but that number quickly doubled by the time of the showdown. The Sith took one side, the Jedi another, and then they charged. The end result looks like nothing so much as a mid-1990s rave, complete with a slew of glowsticks. Check out a few of the images and video.
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