This museum is definitely different from all those Ermitages and
Louvres you've seen... Why? Because it's located in the giant
underground bunker that was built by the Nazi in 1943-1944 for storage,
preparation and launch of the V2 missiles - the secret weapons, with
which Hitler was going to destroy London and turn the course of the war.

The bunker itself was used only for storage and preparation place,
launch of the
missiles was made outside. They were transported along the
railway tunnel driven inside the rock.
Before enetering the museum you are given special Sennheiser earphones
with a thermal-detector helping you to hear special audio tracks for
some exhibits in the language you prefer. Though even without them, the
museum won't make you bored.

There is a big variety of interesting expositions: from tunnels
construction in the rocks to the lists of those war prisoners who died
while the construction.

All the walls have the original appearance of the bunker of the time when it was not the museum yet.

By the way the temperature inside was 10C while outside is was 25C.

Many devices for visitors safety.

Diesel generator looks quite artificial.

But this part looks like true.

The museum is still being built, but one may go along the corridors today anyway

Arrow signs lead a visitor to the centre of the bunker. About 25 m over
your head is that dome you saw in the beginning. Under the dome there
is a strong acoustic system playing the sounds of moving missiles.
Nearby - the video presentation showing the structure of the bunker.

Modern elevator will lift you up.

Wanna some extreme? Don't use the elevator... The stairs will lead you to working space.

Under the dome is the museum where one may find much information about missiles and French opposition.

Technique is quite good. There is a 3D TV set that can be watched
without glasses. This is a big table with a sensor multitouch display
that allows to see various maps.
Aerial camera over the table that shows the shots.

V2 missile engine, the TV set explains the principles of its work.

The similar engine that was destructed while bombing of the bunker.

Some graphics and calculations for V2 missiles, don't try it at home...

One of the museum symbols - gas-powered Citroen Traction.
via leprosorium
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