One of the main symbols of the Netherlands is windmills, no doubt. They
can be easily met behind road turns or hill slopes ( that are rather
rare objects in the plane Netherlands) one by one or by whole groups.
Kinderdijk with its comparatively small territory has 19 windmills of
the 18th century. May be that is why guys from the UNESCO included this
ensemble into their list in 1997.

The village Kinderdijk is located in the province Southern Holland in the confluence of the Nord and Lek rivers.

Sheer polders
are all over, that are stretches of land reclaimed from the sea or a
lake, often boggy and protected from the sea by dikes and banks. No
wonder for the country a half of territory of which is lower than sea
level and its highest point is 322 meters.

Windmills were constructed approximately in 1970 for draining of these polders.

It is worth saying that first poldiers appeared in the 13th century,
since that time Dutchmen have won huge territories from the sea.

In the place of one drained bay even the whole province Flevoland appeared.

The name "Kinderijk" is translated as a child's dike.

During the Second World War windmills served for the country benefit.

One of mills is opened for visitors sicne April till October. A ticket costs 6 euros for adults, 4 euros for children.

Fishing in this channel is allowed.

Two symbols.
via omnesolum
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