Paris has many cemeteries. One of the most famous is Montparnasse. Comparing with Père Lachaise
it seems to be quite different. It's smaller, there are less green
trees and tombs of famous people but, as well as Lachaise, it's
definitely worth seeing.

In former days this district was considered intellectual that's why
many writers, scientists and others were buried here. Now Montparnasse
is one of the most prestigious cemeteries in the whole city.

But who would call it a cemetery? Just a quiet park for walks in the city center.

Serge Gainsbourg - the symbol of France. It's tomb is cluttered with
subway tickets, fans' paintings and cabbages (some people believe his
head resembled a cabbage).

A worker of the cemetery.

A very strange place. On one hand, a bit scary but on the other ancient and beatiful.

A famous sculptor.

The bed of Charles Pigeon. A wealthy industrialist ordered to manufacture such a beautiful tomb even before his death.

André-Gustave Citroën's tomb.

A gloomy tomb of Simon Petlura.

A girl tenderly corrects flowers on the artist's easel.

A gallant soldier walking with a trumpet and singing songs.

The monument is a single piece of mineral.

A black raven, a usual guest of any cemetery.

19 plates with different names. If you really want to be buried at such
a prestigious cemetery be prepared for having numerous neighbors.
via uncle-up
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