Trams of Hong Kong are unique. The tram system of this city is one of
the three world systems where on a permanent basis doubledack trams are
used. Besides it is the only system that uses only (!) doubledack trams.
Opened in 1904 the tram line is one of the oldest types of Hong Kong

A tram trip is a nice way to get an impression about the diverse life
of the Hong Kong north. Nearly 15 km - route stretches from Kennedy Town
in the west district, through the dormitory area, trading and business
areas to the old settlement of the fishers with a branch to Happy

All routes go through the center of the city. Trams have no numbers and
each route is marked with a sign with a name of the final station. For
Shau Kei Wan - Western Market
Shau Kei Wan - Happy Valley
Happy Valley - Kennedy Town
Causeway Bay - Kennedy Town
Western Market - Kennedy Town
Shau Kei Wan - Western Market
Shau Kei Wan - Happy Valley
Happy Valley - Kennedy Town
Causeway Bay - Kennedy Town
Western Market - Kennedy Town

You won't have to wait for a tram more than 3 minutes.

Getting on a tram is via a rear door and a wicket. A ticket costs only 2
dollars of Hong Kong (about 0,35 USD). They say 5 years ago, it cost
... 2 Hong Kong dollars ... Interesting, how much will it cost in 5

The fact is that since 1904 all trams of Hing Kong were made of wood.
Polished details made of teak were observed by passengers. Wooden trams
are said to have been expensive in service. They were affected by
weather and vermin and required repair each 4 years.

So it was decided to change trams cardinally. Those who repaired trams
admired sufficiently the new ones, but fans of antiquity wrung their
hands - trams were losing their indubitable historic value, and the
former attractiveness was leaving together with the outworn wooden

IAE but wooden trams are a part of history now, soon they all will be
not more than the exhibits of museums, or maybe will be used only for

Quite an original crossing

And only trams are cool here, the color of the water is wonderful as well.

via polina-delia
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