Freedom March is an event devoted to marijuana legalization, annually it is held in Queen's Park of Toronto, where Slutwalk took place. So this park bomes more and more scandalous...

The station to donate.
In fact it's not the first march of such kind we show you.

Can you guess what's this?
This year the march gathered about 15000 participants and has become
one of the largest marches in the world (such marches also took place in
San-Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Dunedin, NZ).

Masks for better smoking

Freaks of the march

Some of them already high

Butterfly girls

And as usual - standard marijuana wreaths on dogs.

Everything is ready and people gather in the northern part of the park.

Posters are ready too

Starting the column of demonstrators

Roads are already blocked for the march

And the march is already in the central Yonge Street.

Special pride - Canadian - Marijuana flags
Police doesn't sleep too

After the march - everyone's back to the park for the second episode to have some through one pipe...

... and two...

... if you need some extra...

Someone was giving an interview right under the open sky.

Stoned zombies, not Halloween, but...

Some other symbols of the march

Party for the stoned

Having your own bush of marijuana is cool.

Size matters!
via igorlaptev
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