
The Miracle of the World in Rio de Janeiro

  The statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro is one of the 7 wonders of the world. To see Rio from above is certainly a miracle. But if there is no such a thick fog, you could miss another miracle that will be remembered for all your life.

Imagine that you're looking at huge Jesus and suddenly just before your eyes he disappears completely. All you see is a white haze. After 10-15 seconds, his silhouette appears again. A hazy cloud moves imperceptibly, then closing, then opening the statue to your view. This action has a very strong psychological effect that impresses even atheists. Words to convey feelings are difficult to find, because it is like a miracle of insight.

The statue of Christ the Redeemer is a famous statue of Christ with outstretched arms, it is located on the top of the Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro. It is a symbol of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil as a whole. The statue was made of reinforced concrete and soapstone. The exact dimensions of the statue of Christ the Redeemer are: height - 38 meters, including the pedestal - 8 m, weight - 1145 tons, lenght of the arms - 30 meters.

The construction of the statue lasted for about nine years - from 1922 to 1931. The initial draft of the monument was designed by artist Carlos Oswald. It was he who suggested to depict Christ with outstretched arms with a blessing gesture, making a figure look like a huge cross from the distance. In the original version the statue pedestal was supposed to be in the form of a globe. But the final draft of the monument was designed by a Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa.The initial draft of the monument was designed by artist Carlos Oswald. It was he who suggested to depict Christ with outstretched arms with a blessing gesture, making a figure look like a huge cross from the distance. In the original version the statue pedestal was supposed to be in the form of a globe. But the final draft of the monument was designed by Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa.

Due to a number of reasons, including technological ones, a creation of this huge sculpture was not available then in Brazil, that is why all its parts, including its frame, were manufactured in France, then brought to Brazil by railway. An electrified railway line (the first one in Brazil) with a little train leads to the top. It had been built long before the statue of Christ - in 1882-1884. And later it played a major role in the construction of the monument: this road helped to deliver building materials to the top. Tourists can also get to the statue by a car passing through the highway.

Over the last 75 years, the statue was repaired twice - in 1980 and 1990. In 1932 and 2000 a modernization of its night illumination was held. In 2003 a rise that leads to the observation deck was equipped with escalators. And in 2007 the statue was chosen as one of the new seven wonders of the world.

A winding staircase of 220 steps was set up from the final destination of the railway track to the statue foot. It received the nickname "Caracol" ("Snail"). On the 12th of October, 1931 the grand opening and consecration of the monument that became a symbol of Rio de Janeiro were held. In 1965 the statue was re-consecrated by Pope Paul VI, and in 1981 Pope John Paul II was here at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the monument.

The area in front of the statue.

A souvenir shop.

via DK1974 


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