Have you ever dreamt of witnessing a space shuttle launch from Cape
Canaveral, Florida? It is a famous home of the Kennedy Space Center, a
complex of space shuttle launch and flight control owned by the US

Main entrance to the Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral.

Numerous observation areas enable the civilians to enjoy the shuttle
launch both from the Cape itself and from the continent, the main area
still being located on the Cape and has the well-known watch that counts
out time. The bus carries tourists across the closed territory of NASA
in Cape Canaveral.

As far as the watch goes, it's not that time is counted backwards. It
happens that the watch stops ticking or calls a hold. The hold occurs at
a definite launch stage (some days before the launch due to technical
moments or several minutes before the launch due to bad weather
conditions). Unlike electronic appliances, a man is not able to control a
shuttle when 30 seconds till the launch are left. In case if at least
one position out of thousands is not accomplished, the launch can be
stopped even 1 second before the liftoff. The shuttle at the launching
pad. The two round things located on each side of the shuttle store
components of rocket-engine propellant mixing of which leads to

Witnessing a shuttle launch may be not that easy. The launch can be
called off because of technical or other problems. In such a case you'll
have to stay in your hotel, cancel any other plans and wait for the
invitation which can be obtained in any moment. The assembly hall and
platform are used to transport the shuttle to the launching pad.

An orbiting engine of the shuttle.

The hall is devoted to Saturn V space launch vehicle rocket and Lunar Program.

The Cape contains a huge concrete landing site for shuttles. Tourists
are carried by buses following a specially devised route. The route
includes the following sights: assembly hall, observation area, shed
holding Saturn V space launch vehicle rocket, and the museum. Launch
imitation of Saturn V with the lunar module.

The shuttle landing site is really huge which is a must as the weight
and the speed of the shuttle have to be considered. Besides, the
concrete is poured using a special technology which extends useful time
of the site.

This is the longest and largest rocket ever built by mankind. It was
created by Wernher von Braun, the famous rocketeer who worked under the
Nazis. In the spring of 1945 von Braun assembled his planning staff and
told them it was high time to escape. It happened that in the mountains
they were surrendered not by the Soviet Army, but by the Americans. If
it was not for the case, the Soviet Union could perform the first moon

A Lunar Module. As soon as the shuttle reaches the orbit of the moon,
the lunar module is separated and goes to the moon itself letting
astronauts investigate the surface and then takes them back to the
shuttle and earth.

One needs 10 dollars to have a lunch here which can include chicken
soup, vegetable salad, cheese chips, Chicken Cheesecake and tea.

The backyard contains a VIP-area both for important people or astronauts and their families.

The panel performs counterclockwise reading. It is not allowed to smoke within a radius of 10 meters near the panel.

The platform.

The eagles are hired to get rid of birds before the shuttle launch.

The shuttle is out-of-date.

Inside the shuttle.

Buying souvenirs at the museum and meeting the astronauts.

The garden of rockets inside the museum. By the way, there is an
opinion that Americans never landed on the moon and that NASA and others
intentionally deceived people into believing that they did land on the
moon by manufacturing, destroying and tampering with photos, evidence,
rock samples, and telemetry tapes. What do you think?
via vovsun
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