Hardly has the German capital come to consciousness after the noisy carnival when
the new mass event began - Christopher Street Day or simply gay pride
march... To Berlin, probably the most tolerant city of the world, there
have come more than 10 thousand of sexual minorities representatives.
More than half a million of spectators were watching the march that was
held in the central streets of the city. Officially this event is
considered to be a political demonstration. Participants contest against
violence and various forms of negative reactions to homosexuality,
homophobia, in a word.

KaDeWe - one of the largest department stores in the world.

Spectators had to wait long, the march was slow.

Don't mess with that guy...

Police cars at the head of the march.

Big trucks, loud music, great mood.... As usual...

Heroes of the occasion

Avatars group

Carousel woman


Opposers of the march...
via gavailer
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