On 24 of January, 2011, in the York University, Toronto, Canada at the
seminar on safeguard a conflict took place. One Canadian officer,
addressing to law department students had the imprudence to say “Women
can avoid sexual assault by not dressing like ‘sluts’.” The phrase had
incurred displeasure and later the policeman was made to write a letter
of apology to the university, where he wrote that he felt confused and
embarrassed about what he had said.

But for the organizers of the protest march, Sonya Barnett and Heather Jarvis, it was not enough.

The march gathered more than a thousand people (& about two thousand photographers, TV and radio correspondents).

The marchers were of different age...

...and gender.

At 2 p.m. the big crowd moved straight to the Toronto Police Department.

College Street, on the way to the Police Department.

The marchers applied to the Toronto Police authorities for improving
the policemen's "behavior" about their lack of political correctness.

Even dogs were dressed in the extraordinary way.

Some were even such thoroughgoing.
via igorlaptev
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