The Amsterdam gay parade is one of the most massive, colorful and funny
shows of Europe. Its participants, all in extravagant clothes, on
beautifully decorated boats, fill narrow canals of Amsterdam and, being
accompanied by loud dance music, surprise, amuse and entertain numerous
tourists. This is an amazing event after which one will never be
surprised with anything.

The gay pride takes place in August and lasts about a week.
Unfortunately, this time it often rained there and the temperature was
no more than +22 C.

The heron enjoying the weather.

Sometimes the rain stopped and the sun started shining but even in such
wonderful weather some retirees rode their bycicles in coats.

Look at the motto of one of the coffee shops where, besides coffee, one can buy some marijuana as well.

A very comfortable to use fast-food machine.

Some curious suits in the window.

XXX - the flag of Amsterdam.

A master carrying the food.

An antique store.

The city prepares for the gay pride which implies the whole set of
actions - parties, meetings, walkings, exhibitions, staged shows and,
certainly, its main part - the gay parade on boats along the Amsterdam
narrow canals.

Meanwhile people started occupying cabins as it became extremely hot on
the dance floor and in the bar. Most started taking off the clothes. 6
more hours of cruise were waiting for them... But let's leave the ship
and see what happened in the very city those days.

The organizer and the press went to the docks to see how well the boats
were decorated. Meanwhile he told about upcoming parties.

As it is one of the greatest gay parades in the world, about 80 boats
take part in it. This is the African boat being decorated.

A special separate programme was prepared for African gays this time.

Frank van Dalen, now the former head of the Pro Gay group, told how
much the African gays are oppressed in their country. One shouldn't
close his eyes to it.

To make some conclusion, it's worth saying that no matter what's your
attitude towards homosexuality, gays always existed and will always
exist and you probably also have some gay friends maybe even without
being aware of it.
via zyalt
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