Livraria Lello is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful bookstores in
the whole world. Located near DOS Leões square this old store presents
an amazing interior - stained-glass windows, woodcarving, wonderful
staircase, glazed book shelves and the art deco facade.
The history of Lello began in 1894, when direction over it was assumed
by Jose Pinto de Sousa Lello, at that time the store was called
Chardron, and it was not even a store, their business was publishing and
editing books. The business had been growing and soon it required a new
bigger building.

The building was designed by Xavier Esteves. The facade is made in
neogothic style. The building is now admitted to be a national monument.
Livraria Lello opened its doors to first visitors in 1906 and became a
flagship store of one Portuguese publishing house.

Amazing interior of the store is made of massive decorated walls,
ceilings from wood with intricate carving design and striking twisted
red staircase leading to the second floor.

All the property and management rights belong to the members of the Lello family.

On the second floor is a small cafe of 4 tables. A cup of good coffee
will only contribute to pleasure of reading good literature and the
magic atmosphere of the store.

The roof is made of stained-glass. On it one may read a monogram and
the motto of the Lello " Decus in Labore " that means "In labour is

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