If you’ve never been in the metropolis – you urgently needed to fix it. For a start look at these amazing photos of the big cities. They fascinate with its beauty, its skyscrapers.

Credits: widelec.org
A megacity is usually defined as a metropolitan area with a total population in excess of 10 million people.[1] Some definitions also set a minimum level for population density (at least 2,000 persons/square km).[citation needed] A megacity can be a single metropolitan area or two or more metropolitan areas that converge. The terms conurbation, metropolis and metroplex are also applied to the latter. The terms "megapolis'" and megalopolis are sometimes used synonymously with megacity, though those terms denote a semi-continuous chain of large metropolitan cities.[citation needed]
As of 2011, there are 21 megacities in existence, which is the official figure despite the list below containing 27 megacities [2] – with conurbations such as Mumbai,[3] Tokyo, Seoul, New York City, Dhaka, and Mexico City having populations in excess of 20 million inhabitants each. New Megacities like Johannesburg have population of over 10 million.
Credits: widelec.org
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